How Was Sabbatical?

“How was sabbatical?” It seems like everyone I’ve seen for the last month has asked me that question. If you didn’t know, my nine-month sabbatical ended in mid-August and now I am gradually re-entering the ministry world. So let me answer that question up front for all who are wondering. 

I’ve been telling people, “It was great and terrible!” It was amazing at times and very difficult at other times. Sabbatical did not go at all how I expected and at the same time, many of the plans we had for sabbatical happened. My wife and I grew closer and deeper in our relationship with one another and the Lord. We prayed together more in the last nine months than we have in the last nine years – we found it easy to pray together when you don’t have anything to do. I had very focused and intentional times with my kids. It was super special, one of our best years ever. We also had moments that were very difficult. I touched some places of spiritual warfare and emotional pain that I did not expect at all. In twenty-seven years of ministry, you absorb a lot spiritually and emotionally through many difficult and challenging situations. The Lord used this time away to address those areas, restore, and refresh my soul. Though it  wasn’t always pretty, it was necessary. I am grateful for the kindness extended to us by our GateCity family and for the grace of God that enabled us to take this season away and experience His healing and refreshing.

As I am gradually re-entering our ministry environment, I am realizing how deeply I missed the corporate worship and prayer room at GateCity Church. It’s been refreshing to be back in the community and back in the presence of the Lord in the prayer room. 

Throughout sabbatical there were five main truths that the Lord highlighted to me that had a profound sustaining and refreshing (Song 2:5) effect upon my heart. Each of these truths spoke to areas of God’s nature and attributes that I need greater revelation. 

  1. Mercy

  2. Joy

  3. Peace

  4. Rest

  5. Freedom

Over the next several weeks I am going to release a blog series to expound on each of these truths. I want to live in a greater experiential understanding of each of these truths so that I may know God more and relate to others more like He relates to me. I intend to emphasize these truths more in my personal and ministry life in the days ahead. I pray that the thoughts I share will refresh and restore you as they have me. 

Stay tuned for Part 1 of 5 Truths That Sustained Me During Sabbatical.

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