Revival and the Return of The Lord

Prov 29:18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast of restraint

We need a prophetic vision of the activity of God in the earth to be able to live a life that makes sense in light of what is coming in the days ahead, at the end of this age, and in the age to come. 

Without a prophetic vision the people cast off restraint. It’s not enough to just have a 5-10 year set of goals nor is a 5 - 10 year set of goals what Solomon was talking about. He was referring to the people of God understanding the unique activity of the Lord in their generation. The Church has spent a lot of time calling people to live biblical values daily, but we have not spent the appropriate time connecting our values to the prophetic picture of what’s unfolding in our generation or the incredible drama of the end of the age. The values are good by themselves but if we do not connect them to what is about to unfold regarding the end of the age we will not have the root system to be able to stand in the day when the greatest amount of trial and testing the earth has ever seen breaks upon the planet.


Preparing the earth for the coming of the Lord is the key feature to the Forerunner Ministry. Just as John the Baptist was called “to prepare the way of the Lord” in his generation, believers in the generation before the Lord returns are called with a similar calling. For many years, global revival was my main theological premise regarding the end of the age. I have been convinced that there is a great revival that will sweep in the largest number of believers the planet has ever seen in one harvest. This caused me to change the way I lived, to focus on the reality of the coming revival and prepare my life to live in light of what was coming. This focus was good but incomplete, because it did not take into account several major factors that are also coming upon the earth at the same time. The transition from preparing for massive revival to preparing for the return of the Lord was not difficult once I realized that the coming global revival and the great drama of the end of the age happen in conjunction with one another. Jesus explained that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world in context to the time of great tribulation (Matthew 24:8-14). The shakings, judgments, revival, persecution, signs and wonders, all happen in conjunction with one another! 


Once I began to really understand that the great revival to come was but one facet of Jesus’ plan to end this age, begin the next, and establish His kingdom on the earth, I searched the scriptures to find out what were the other facets of His end time plans.  

As a result, I found out that Jesus is returning to the earth to end the worst military conflict the world will ever see. He is coming to drive Antichrist from the planet. Antichrist will have taken over all of the nations of the earth. He will have forcibly demanded the people of the nations to worship him. There will be a company of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, moving in prophetic power, signs and wonders who will resist Antichrist. Many of these believers will be put to death.  Others will lead many to righteousness. The entire company will withstand Antichrist in a global christian resistance movement. They will wage spiritual war against the kingdom of darkness and rebel against Antichrist’s wicked and tyrannical rule. Jesus will return to the earth with the glorified saints and the hosts of heaven, in unprecedented military might, to finalize the overthrow of Antichrist and fully establish His kingdom in every nation of the earth.

The greatest days for the church are just ahead of us. How we live day to day matters. But we must connect our daily walk with the unfolding of the events of the end of the age. Things are radically shifting in the earth right now. As the culture grows darker, the church is going to grow brighter in the revelation of Jesus. It is going to be our finest hour. Through trials, shakings, and persecution the bride is going to emerge victorious and spotless. Let’s continue to turn our eyes upon Jesus and engage with His plans to see every nation, tribe, and tongue turn to Him and worship before Him. Let’s become a people who are preparing the way for His coming.

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